

SIMS Student Workshop 2011

           The forth UCLA Ion Microprobe Student Workshop was held February 21-25 2011 with generous support from the NSF Instrumentation and Facilities program. About two dozen students from nearly as many universities attended  the workshop. The workshop comprised lectures on the role of SIMS in geology and geochemistry with hands-on demonstrations of the UCLA ims 1270 ion microprobe and its auxilliary facilities and instrumentation by the Facility's researchers and faculty. We are also very grateful to Peter Weber (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) for his guest lecture on NanoSIMS applications.

All participants are thanked for a stimulating week, and we thank NSF for their support that made this a successful workshop.

The UCLA Ion Microprobe Team

The 2011 SIMS Student Workshop participants:
2011 group
graduation 1
graduation 3
graduation 4
graduation 5
graduation 6
graduation 7
graduation 8
graduation 9
graduation 10
graduation 11
graduation 12
graduation 13
graduation 14
graduation 15
graduation 16
graduation 17
graduation 18
graduation 19
graduation 20