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CONF_INT.F  Calculates the 90% confident interval of the total distribution of cooling histories and the 90% confident interval of the median of the distribution.  The program is provided as an addition to the embedded similar routine of autoage-mon.  It allows to merge data from different runnings and more flexibility on the age range of calculation. 
CHINI.DAT: Calculated cooling histories in two XY column format and separated by '&' at the end of the listing.   Rename  output file mchist-out.dat from autoage-mon or  output file 'samplename_mch-out.dat' from agemulti into chini.dat.
CONFMED.DAT: Output file containing the confident intervals of the cooling history.  It is given in a X|Y1|Y2 format, where X=Age, Y1= 90% Confident interval of the distribution, Y2=90% Confident interval of the media

These Files are output for debugging use only
STATANAL.DAT: output a set of statistical variables of the distribution, like: skewness, kurtosis, variance, average deviation, etc.
AVERAGE.DAT: Output  the average deviation and 1 standard deviation of the media.
INPUT.DAT: Record the values of the screen inputs.

To run the program follows these steps:
  • Create the file chini.dat (rename the CH output file or merge several of them into one file named chini.dat).
  • Run the program from the directory where your input file reside.
  • Run the program:  The program will prompt you for three inputs:

1) Enter the "Initial Age": This is usually zero (today), but if you want to restrict it to the younger ages register on the age spectrum you can set the initial age to this minimum age.

2) Enter the "Final age" It is usually the age at which the model was initiated or the maximum age on your age spectrum. 

3) Enter the "number of age intervals".   This is the precision you want to calculate your confident interval curves.   The program will sample your age spread (Final age - Initial age) in this number of equidistant points.  Max. is 400 but usually no more than 100 are needed.