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AGESME.f is the manual version of MDD programs to calculate a age spectrum from a given domain distribution and thermal history. It has the versatility to calculate age spectrum from thermal histories that comprise slow cooling or episodic loss. The definition of a thermal history is given by set of (t,T) points (ie. (age(Ma),Temperature(C)).  The thermal history is thus defined as the linear segments joining these points.  The program can calculate age spectrum for three different grain geometries, slabs, spheres or cylinders.


AGES-ME.IN: Input file to define the Thermal History and Diffusion and Distribution parameters.
TEMSTEP.IN: Input file comprising the heating schedule.


AGES-ME.DAT: Output file containing the age spectrum data for plotting (stepwise form) using xvgr or some other graphic tool, and comparing with the laboratory age spectrum.

CHIST-ME.DAT: Output file comprising the thermal history data for plotting using xvgr or some other graphic tool.

These Files are output for debugging use only

AGES-ME.OUT: Output file containing the age spectrum data (Cumulative 39Ar released vs. Apparent Age(Ma))

EACH-ME.OUT: Output file comprising the age spectra data of each separate domain.