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ARRME.f is the manual version of MDD programs to calculate an Arrhenius plot and log(r/ro) spectrum from a given domain distribution (size,concentration).   The program can calculate Arrhenius plots for three different grain geometries, slabs, spheres or cylinders.


ARR-ME.IN: Input file to especify the Diffusion and Distribution parameters.

TEMSTEP.IN: Input file containing the heating schedule.


ARR-ME.DAT: Output file containing the Arrhenius data. (X-Y style,  10000/T(K).vs.log(Do/r2) )

LOG-ME.DAT: Output file containing the log(r/ro) data. (X-Y style, Cum. %39Ar released.vs.log(r/ro))

These Files are output for debugging use only

ARR-ME.OUT: Comprise average Arrhenius, log(r/ro)   and other data

EACH-ME.DAT: Comprise  Arrhenius calculation for each separate domain

EACH-ME.GR: Comprise  39Ar fractions calculation for each separate domain