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autoage-mon.f routine was develop to automatically estimate a
cooling history from a k-feldspar age spectrum (40Ar/39Ar data),
once the diffusion and distribution parameters of the sample had been estimated by
modeling its 39Ar data. The program starts using an initial guessed cooling
history (CH). The first derivative of the cooling history is approached using an expansion
in Chebyshev polynomials. It allows restricting the family of possible CH approximations
to only monotonic cooling. Subsequent better estimates of the CH are obtained adjusting
the coefficients of the Chebyshev polynomials by a iterative variational process
(Levenberg-Marquardt method). The iteration stop when an acceptable minimum of chi-square
(square difference between the model and the data) is obtained. The best fitting CH is
recovered by integration of its first derivative. The program requires the following input files.
The program creates the following output files.
The program also output the following files for debugging use only
Note: Cooling history and age data are given in a two-column X|Y format. Each set of data (age or cooling history) is separated by '&' at the end of the set. |
run the program follows these steps:
1) Enter the number of runs (solutions). Different kind of non-linear complications could led the program to stop a run before finding an acceptable solution. This run will count although the non-acceptable solution will be automatically discarded. Therefore, it is possible that you get an smaller number of successful solutions than the number of runs you selected. Remember that if you want to calculate confidence intervals a minimum of 20 successful solutions is required. 2) Enter the "starting age" It is the age at which
the model will be started. Remember that for consistency this age should be at least
5-10Ma prior to the max. age record in the sample age spectrum. |