LIST OF SUBROUTINES Auto.arr makes use of the following subroutines, many of them were extracted from Numerical Recipes by William. H. Press et al. and slightly modified. Sub DIFF --> (Calls subs PARAM, FIT, GSER, GCF, GAMMLN, GAMMQ) Sub ZITA Sub GUESS Sub MRQMIN --> (Calls subroutines GAUSSJ, MRQCOF, COVSRT) Sub FUNCS Sub SORT3 --> (Calls subs INDEXX) Sub ARR SHORT DESCRIPTION SUBROUTINE DIFF: It calculates the activation energy, log(Do/ro^2) and the Arrhenius and log(r/ro) plots from the experimental data. SUBROUTINE ZITA: It calculates the parameter xi = Integral(D(T(t)),dt) SUBROUTINE MRQMIN: Variational iterative routine to find the minimum of the "chi-square" function. SUBROUTINE FUNCS: Routine to calculate 39f and its parameter derivatives for each heating step. SUBROUTINE SORT3: Routine to sort the domain size by increasing order. SUBROUTINE ARR: Calculates the Arrhenius and log(r/ro) plot for the optimum parameters.