The autoarr.f routine was developed to automatically model the 39Ar laboratory data. The program starts by calculating the activation energy (E), and log(Do/ro2) parameters, common to all domains in the distribution. To calculate these parameters, a weighted least square fitting is applied to a few first heating steps. After that, an iterative variational process is started with a random initial guess of the distribution parameters (concentration, size). It is done for a range of total number of domains (4-8) and recalculate for different initial guesses. Finally the program output the parameters that produce the minimum "chi-square" between the measured and calculated weighted fraction of cumulative 39Ar released function, and calculate the Arrhenius and log(r/ro) plots for these parameters. | ||
Running Instructions | Hints | Subroutines List |
Note: The file containing the diffusion and distribution parameters output by autoarr.f (file is used as input of the agesme.f, autoage-mon.f or autoage-free.f programs to calculate the best fit age spectrum and estimate a thermal history. |
TEMSTEP.IN: Input file containing the heating schedule. |
FJ.IN: Input file containing the cumulative fraction of 39Ar released obtained from laboratory data. |
ARR-ME.IN: Output file containing the Arrhenius parameteres( activation energy, frequency factor, and estimated domain sizes and concentrations). The file have a 'in' extension because it is used as input to run the agesme.f, autoage-mon.f, or autoage-free.f. The file is also useful as an initial guess for the arr-me.f to manually model samples suspected of comprising a multi-E distribution. |
ARR.SAMP: Output file: comprise the laboratory Arrhenius data (log(r/ro). vs. 10000/T(K)) calculated from and |
LOGR.SAMP: Output file: comprise the laboratory log(r/ro) data calculated from and |
ARR.DAT: Output file: comprise the model best-fit Arrhenius data. |
LOGR.DAT: Output file: comprise the model best-fit log(r/ro) data |
PARAM.OUT: Comprise the running parameters used during the variational calculation |
DIST.DAT: Comprise all the domain distribution data obtained during the calculation. |
ENER.OUT: Comprise all the activation energy calculated for different # of inital heating steps. |